Dressed to kill T-Shirt


  • Front print red /beige
  • Handmade Screenprint
  • Black T-Shirt
  • High Quality Cotton T-Shirt
  • Medium Fit
  • 165 g/qm Organic Cotton
  • with Poster / postcard

Plus: ULTRA TRASH – Doomsday Sampler on Cassette! Limited to 50 pcs!

Delivery time: 2-3-werktage

SKU: UTB39 Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,


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If ULTRA TRASH was a Metal Band in the 80s, our T-Shirt would looked like this: Martin ‘Motor’ Hager und Ultra Trash proudly presents this new brutal barbarian bloodbath called Dressed to Kill. This Bundle comes with a Poster and a Postcard. And the first 5o Customers get the first ULTRA TRASH Doomsday sampler.


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